Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Assignment - Black and White

For this assignment, set the camera to make exposures in black and white. There not be any color information for this assignment, only luminosity. Images may be made in RAW or jpg format. Please set you camera to record the maximum number of pixels.

We will be looking at light. Photographing light. What hides in shadows, what makes your eyes squint. Photograph the things in the world that you can't touch, or see. Stop where it's warm or where it's cold and make a photograph. How is the temperature changing the light, if at all? Re-visit the same scene throughout the day.

For each exposure that you make, photograph the scene again, underexposing 1 stop, then two stops. Then overexpose the scene by 1 stop, then two stops. For each scene there will be 5 exposures.

Make no less than 300 exposures. Bring you images to class on Monday, February 8th. Three 8x10 inch black and white prints will be due at a date to be announced.

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